Selling Your House can be Daunting and Scary…Especially When Waiting to Close
It’s way past the date you were told you’d be closing on your home, and you are still sitting here…just waiting. Selling and purchasing a home or other real estate only happens a few times within your entire life, and quite often is one of the most stressful, daunting events in life. And just when you thought you were past the stress and anxiety, you are now stuck in limbo waiting for the company that promised to buy your home for cash or quickly to close.
What happens if your discussed closing date has passed, been delayed, or is missed by the company’s “buyer”? You could be stuck waiting for them to close for who knows how long. That’s why we want to offer tips and solutions to those stuck in this position.
Pre-screen Your Investor-Buyer Before Pulling the Trigger
One of the most important things you can do in the process of selling your home is the proper pre-screening of your buyer, especially when selling to an investor-buyer like Simple Home Solutions. Here are some things you must know and research to make a properly informed decision and not have your time wasted.
- Experience Level
- Proof of Funds
- How many homes purchased in the last 12 mo.
- How many current projects
- Length of time in business
- Customer reviews/ What People Are Saying
- Proper document preparation/contracts
- Ability to offer creative solutions
- Company Core Values