you just found your side hustle.
Looking to get into real estate? We’ll show you how to help us find the perfect homes in your area that are prime candidates for flipping, and pay you handsomely – all without having to swing a hammer or put up investment cash.
help us find houses & get paid.
At Simple House, we’re constantly on the lookout for investment properties. Our goal is to find partners interested in creating a significant income stream without having to recruit others or sell a product. If there is a vacant house on your street or you know of someone who needs and wants to sell their home, refer them to us! Better yet, provide us their information and we will do the research and make an offer.
Here’s How It Works:
Come Be a Bird Dog with Simple House!
The opportunities for extra income are limitless with Simple House. Complete the form below and we’ll get in touch with you within 24 hours on how to get involved: